Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Crop Loan (ACC)

Who are eligible for crop loan

Agriculturists, Tenant farmers and Share Croppers who actually cultivate the lands are eligible for these loans. All categories of farmers - Small/Marginal (SF/MF) and others are included.

Loan Amount

Loan amount is worked based on the cost of cultivation incurred for each crop per acre of crop cultivated and 90 % of the cost of cultivation (Scale of Finance) is given as loan.

Documents you need to provide
  1. Land records to ascertain cultivation rights.
  2. Acreage under different crops
  3. Sources of other borrowings eg. Co-operative Societies and Banks.
Disbursement of the loan

As per the cultivation requirements of the crop the loan amount is disbursed in cash and kind (for ferlizers, pesticides etc)

  • upto Rs.50,000 -
  • Hypothecation of crops.
  • Above Rs. 50,000 and upto Rs. 1,00,000-
    1. Hypothecation of crops
    2. Mortgage of lands or Third party guarantee
  • Above Rs.1,00,000
    1. Hypothecation of crops
    2. Mortgage of lands
  • For tobacco, Sugarcane and other crops under tie-up arrangement with boards/ factories/ companies
    1. Upto Rs. 1 Lac -Hypothecation of crops
  • Above one lac
    1. Hypothecation of crops
    2. Mortgage of lands

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