Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Krishi Plus Scheme

Who is eligible for Krishi Plus loan
  1. Any rural youth below the age of 45 years, and undergone training in maintenance/repairs of automobiles / tractors.
  2. The applicant and his family should belong to the small and marginal farmer category.
  3. The applicant should have a valid tractor driving licence and should operate the tractor by himself ie. The tractor should be owner driven.
Loan Amount :
  1. As per quotation of the tractor and other accessories including trailer of borrower's choice.
  2. The tractor to be financed should be in the approved list of tractors circulated to the branches by us. 85 % of the cost of the asset is provided as loan. Maximum amount Rs.4 lacs.
Documents you need to provide :
  1. Land records in the name of your family / applicant (minimum 1 acre) to be submitted.
  2. valid driving license.
  • upto Rs. 50,000
    1. Hypothecation of assets financed
  • Above Rs. 50,000 and upto Rs. 1,00,000
    1. Hypothecation of assets financed
    2. Mortgage of lands or Third party guarantee
  • Above Rs.1,00,000
    1. Hypothecation of assets financed
    2. Mortgage of lands

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